Before having kids, C and I traveled internationally a bit. We still try to take a vacation each year with the kids, but we have not ventured anywhere they need passports. Despite this, we have tried to ensure they understand there is a great big world out there, and are working to instill a passion for travel.
Somehow, J became attached to Australia. I am not sure how it started, but he is convinced we all need to take a vacation there. C and I have never been, but his grandparents have, so perhaps we told him that once and it stuck. Regardless I am glad he likes to talk about other places we can visit, and what there is to see.
When I came across the Little Passports subscription, I knew we had to pick it. Perhaps I was being a bit selfish as it is a topic I want the kids to learn about, but I knew of all three kids J would appreciate this one the most.
Subscriptions currently start at $38.85 plus $3.00 shipping for three months ($13.95/month) and are $43.40 plus $30.00 shipping for twelve months ($14.45/month). This is a bit less than the Kiwi Crate Subscription M received.
The first month comes shipped in a box, with travel stamps on the outside. When you open the box you find a “suitcase” for your child to use to store items received this month and in future months.
Your child will receive a welcome card, as well as an introductory letter from Sam and Sofia, the characters who will take your child on a journey across the world. There is also a postcard, luggage tag, and a passport to hold stamps from upcoming months.
I was impressed with the large wall map that came this month as well. While we have a globe, the map is simply an easier way for a child to see where all of the countries are at once. It is nice enough that you could leave it hanging on the wall as well.
Finally, this month included a small activity book. J learned about where different animals live, as well as how to say hello in 5 different languages. Since this lesson, he has practiced saying them several times. He was already learning Spanish through school, but seems fascinated by Chinese now as well. I found a free app that allows him to practice calligraphy and will pronounce the words in Chinese as well, which has been a great way to extent the first month’s lessons.
Similar to the Animal Tracker’s subscription review, this subscription box does not seem to fill as much time as Kiwi Crate. However, I am excited to see what comes in future months when the box includes items specific to a single country. I think J will also enjoy the “souvenir” that comes in future month’s kits as well.
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